Deciding who to donate to isn’t as easy as it seems. I wish I could say yes to everyone who comes in asking for help with a fundraiser or cause—trust me, I would if I could! But through experience, I’ve learned that saying yes to every single request isn’t always the best approach. That’s why my amazing managers suggested we create a donation form. It helps us organize requests and be thoughtful about where we can make the most impact.
So, how do we decide? A few things come into play. First, is it local? We love supporting our community, so keeping it close to home is important. Second, do they shop with us and support local businesses? And finally, what does the fundraiser or nonprofit actually do? While I’d love to give to every cause, these considerations help guide our decisions.
But here’s the thing—I don’t just want to give money. I want our EK team to get out there and physically help these amazing organizations! I know, I know, you’re on the edge of your seat... so here’s the plan: Starting in September, we’re going to team up and head over to the Boys & Girls Club. We’ll be spending time with the kids, cleaning, organizing—whatever they need. These organizations often lack the time or funds for the extra help they deserve, so we’re excited to lend a hand!
And here’s where you come in: If you know of any other local organizations that could use some man-power (or woman-power 😉), please fill out our form and let us know! We’d love to hear where we can help next. Want to join us for one of our monthly “help hangouts”? Just add a note in the form, and we’ll send you the details!
Stay tuned for our Boys & Girls Club experience in our next newsletter!
Together, we can make a difference—both in the jewelry store and out in our community. 💖